Daniel W. Mosser |
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Reed College
BS, Portland State University (December 1974)
MA, University of Texas at Austin (August 1981)
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin (May 1985)
Teaching Assistant, University of Texas at Austin
Assistant Instructor, University of Texas at Austin
Instructor, University of Texas at Austin (Summer Session)
Assistant Professor, English Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Associate Professor, English Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Full Professor, English Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Fall 2007
Fall 2008Leverhulme Visiting Professor, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York
Professor Emeritus of English, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Director, Center for Applied Technologies in the Humanities (CATH), Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Director of Graduate Studies, English Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Freshman English
Honors English
ENGL 2224
Major British Authors
Survey of British Literature I
Texts & Contexts: Medieval
Medieval Literature
History of the English Language
ENGL 4104
Old & Middle English Literature
Introductory Old English
Senior Seminar: "On the Road with the Wife of Bath and Margery Kempe"
Introduction to Literary Research
ENGL 5064
Topics in Language
ENGL 5074 (2009) Digital Humanities Early English Authors: Chaucer
ENGL 5334
Special Topics: Textual Scholarship
Medieval Lit: Chaucer
(2002) Medieval Lit: The “Matter of Troy” In Middle English Literature
ENGL 5114 (2005) Medieval Lit: Chaucer, Gower, and Shakespeare
“Witness Descriptions.” The Wife of Bath’s Prologue on CD-ROM. Ed. Peter Robinson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
The Thomas L. Gravell Watermark Archive. 1996- (Daniel W. Mosser and Ernest Sullivan II, with Len Hatfield and David H. Radcliffe)
forme of speche is chaunge’: The Evolution of Present-Day English.” 1998-
“Witness Descriptions.” The General
Prologue on CD-ROM. Ed. Elizabeth Solopova. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2000. “Witness Descriptions.”
The Miller’s Tale on CD-ROM. Ed. Barbara Bordalejo. Leicester,
England: Scholarly Digital
Editions, 2004. “Witness Descriptions.”
The Nun’s Priest’s Tale on CD-ROM. Ed. Paul Thomas. Birmingham,
UK: Scholarly Digital
Editions, 2006. [Reviewed by
Stephen R. Reimer, JEGP Volume
108, Number 1, January 2009.] A Digital Catalogue of the Pre-1500 Manuscripts and Incunables of the Canterbury Tales. Birmingham,
UK: Scholarly Digital
Editions, 2010. [ISBN 1-904628-14-1] Mosser, Daniel W.; with David H. Radcliffe. A Digital Catalogue of the Pre-1500 Manuscripts and Incunables of the Canterbury Tales. 2nd ed. 2014. Mosser, Daniel W., Linne R. Mooney, Elizabeth Solopova, with David H. Radcliffe. The
The Digital Index of Middle English Verse The Digital Index of Middle English Verse
(www.dimev.net — OCLC: 806228661). Mosser, Daniel W.,
Ernest W. Sullivan II and Michael Saffle, eds. Puzzles in Paper: Concepts
in Historical Watermarks. (Papers from the 1996 International Conference
on Watermarks at Roanoke, Virginia.) New Castle, DE: Oak
Knoll Books and the British Library, 2000.
“Manly and Rickert’s Collation of Huntington Library Chaucer Manuscript HM 144 (Hn).” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 79 (1985): 235-40.
“The Two Scribes of the Cardigan Manuscript and the ‘Evidence’ of Scribal Supervision and Shop Production.” Studies in Bibliography 39 (1986): 112-25.
“The Cardigan Chaucer: A Witness to the Manuscript and Textual History of the Canterbury Tales.” The Library Chronicle n.s. 41 (1987): 82-111.
“A New Collation for Bodleian, Digby Manuscript 181.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 82 (1988): 604-11.
“The Scribe of Chaucer Manuscripts Rylands English 113 and Bodleian Digby 181.” Manuscripta 34 (1990): 129-47.
“A New Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales.” The Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers I. Oxford: Office for Humanities Communication, 1993. 75-84. [Reviewed briefly in Studies in the Age of Chaucer 17 (1995): 175-78.]
“Reading and Editing the Canterbury Tales: Past, Present, and (?)Future.” TEXT: Transactions of The Society for Textual Scholarship 7 (1994): 201-32.
“The Language, Hands, and Interaction of the Two Scribes of the Egerton 2726 Chaucer Manuscript (En1).” The Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers II. Oxford: Office for Humanities Communication, 1997. 40-54.
“The Use of Caxton Texts and Paper Stocks in Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales.” In Chaucer in Perspective: Middle English Essays in Honour of Norman Blake. Ed. Geoffrey Lester. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999. 161-77.
“Corrective Notes on the Structures and Paper Stocks of Four MSS Containing Extracts from Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.” Studies in Bibliography 52 (1999). 97-114.
Descriptions of the Hengwrt and the Merthyr Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales. The Hengwrt Chaucer Digital Facsimile. Ed. Estelle Stubbs. Leicester: Scholarly Digital Editions, 2000.
Mosser, Daniel W., and Ernest W. Sullivan, II. “The Thomas L. Gravell Watermark Archive on the Internet.” Puzzles in Paper: Concepts in Historical Watermarks. Newcastle, DL, and London: Oak Knoll Books and The British Library, 2000. 211-28.
“The Charles-Moïse Briquet Watermark Archive in Geneva.” Looking at Paper: Evidence & Interpretation. Symposium Proceedings. Toronto, 1999. Ottawa: Canadian Conservation Institute, 2001. 122-27.
“‘The Chronicles of Saints and Kings of England’: Two Occurrences of the Middle English Prose Brut’s '‘Peculiar Version’ in MSS of the Canterbury Tales.” The Journal of the Early Book Society 5 (2002): 145-49.
“The Scribe of Takamiya MS 32 (formerly the ‘Delamere Chaucer’) and Cambridge University Library MS Gg.I.34 (Part 3).” The Journal of the Early Book Society 7 (2004). 121-30.
Mosser, Daniel W., and Linne R. Mooney (University of Maine). “The Hooked-g Scribes and Takamiya Manuscripts.” The Medieval Book and a Modern Collector: Essays in Honour of Toshiyuki Takamiya. Takami Matsuda, Richard A. Linenthal and John Scahill, eds. Boydell & Brewer, 2004. 179-96.
“William Caxton’s First Edition of the Canterbury Tales and the Origin of the Leaves for the Caxton Club’s 1905 Leaf Book.” Disbound and Dispersed: The Leaf Book Considered. Ed. Susan F. Rossen. Newcastle, DL: Oak Knoll Books, 2005. 24-50.
“The Scribe(s) of British Library MSS Egerton 2864 and Additional 5140: To ‘Lump’ or ‘Split’?” Journal of the Early Book Society 8 (2005): 215-28.
Mosser, Daniel W., and Simon Horobin (University of Glasgow). “Scribe D’s SW Midlands Roots: A Reconsideration.” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 106 (2005): 289-305
“Dating the Manuscripts of the ‘Hammond Scribe’: What the Paper Evidence Tells Us.” The Journal of the Early Book Society 10 (2007): 31-70.
“The Manuscript Glosses of the Canterbury Tales and the University of London’s Copy of Pynson’s [1492] Edition: Witness to a Lost Exemplar.” Chaucer Review 41 (2007): 360-92.
“‘Chaucer’s Scribe,’ Adam, and the Hengwrt Project.” Design and Distribution of Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts. Ed. Linne R. Mooney and Margaret Connelly. York Medieval Press and Boydell and Brewer, 2008. 11-40.
Mooney, Linne R., and Daniel W. Mosser. “The Belvoir Castle (Duke of Rutland) Manuscript of John Lydgate’s Fall of Princes.” Journal of the Early Book Society 12 (2009): 161-72.
"The Paper Stocks of the Beryn Scribe. " Journal of the Early Book Society 13 (2010): 63-93.
Mooney, Linne R., and Daniel W. Mosser. “Another Manuscript by the Scribe ‘Cornhyll’.” Journal of the Early Book Society 15 (2012): 277-87.
“Longleat 30, T. Werken, and Thomas Betson.” Journal of the Early Book Society 15 (2012): 319-35.
Mosser, Daniel W., and Linne R. Mooney. “More Manuscripts by the Beryn Scribe and his Cohort.” Chaucer Review 49 (2014): 39-76.
Mosser, Daniel W and Linne R. Mooney. “The Case of the Hooked-g Scribe(s) and the Production of Middle English Literature, c. 1460-c. 1490.” Chaucer Review 51.2 (2016): 131-50.
Rev. of Charles A. Owen, Jr. The Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales. Speculum 68 (1993): 547-549.
Rev. of Writing after Chaucer: Essential Readings in Chaucer and the Fifteenth Century. Ed. Daniel J. Pinti. Arthuriana 10.1 (Spring 2000): 146-48.
Rev. of Taavitsainen, Irma, et al., eds. Placing Middle English in Context. Topics in Linguistics 35. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2000. In General Linguistics 39, 2002 (for 1999). pp. 113-123.
“The Process of Scribal Supervision in the Cardigan Manuscript of the Canterbury Tales.” Ninth Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, October 1983.
“Manly and Rickert’s Reading of the Evidence in Canterbury Tales Manuscripts: How Reliable Are They?” Twentieth International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1985.
“Scribal Dialects, Language Standardization, and the Cardigan Text of the Canterbury Tales.” Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, December 1985.
“The Scribe of the Manchester English 113 and Bodleian, Digby 181 Chaucer Manuscripts: A Paleographical and Linguistic Analysis.” Twenty-Second International Conference on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1987.
“The a Text of the Canterbury Tales: Origins and Revisions.” 6th International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., August 1988.
“The Language, Hands, and Interaction of the Two Scribes of the Egerton 2726 Chaucer Manuscript [En1].” Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA, September 29-October 1, 1988.
“Reformation Politics and the Censorship of Some Fifteenth-Century Middle English Manuscripts.” Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1990.
“Commercialism and the Ordinatio of the Alpha Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales.” 7th International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, University of Kent, Canterbury, England, August 1990.
“Richard Wytton and the Production of the CUL Dd.4.24 MS of the Canterbury Tales.” The Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Meredith College, Raleigh, North Carolina, September 1990.
“The Case of the Missing Texts: Early Editors’ Reading and ‘Recovery’ of the Canterbury Tales.” Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, December 1990.
“Four Gower Manuscripts and the Question of Bookshop Production in the Mid-Fifteenth Century.” Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1991.
“The Hypertext Cook’s Tale” (demonstration & discussion). Panel member, “Chaucer and Recent Technology.” 8th International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, University of Washington, Seattle, August 1992.
“A Descriptive Catalog of the MSS of the Canterbury Tales—on CD-ROM.” Twenty-Eighth International Conference on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, May 1993.
“Reconstructing the Exemplars of Some ‘Landmark’ MSS of the Canterbury Tales.” Third Biennial Conference of the Early Book Society, Sheffield, England, July 1993.
“Teaching the Early History of the English Language: The State of the Problem.” Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, New Orleans, September 1993.
“Toward a Descriptive Catalog of the Manuscripts and Early Printed Editions of the Canterbury Tales—on CD-ROM.” 9th International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, Trinity College, Dublin, July 1994.
“Report from HEL-L” [Session on Teaching the History of the English Language]. Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association, Marymount University. September 29-October 1 1994.
“Two Chaucer Scribes (Bodley 414-Phillipps 8136 and Delamere-CUL Gg.I.34[3]): Methods of Identification.” Fourth Biennial Conference of the Early Book Society, Nottingham, England, July 1995.
“The Thomas L. Gravell Watermark Archive: A Searchable Online Database of over 6000 Watermarks from 1400-1800” (with Ernest Sullivan, II). 10th International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, UCLA, Los Angeles, July 26-30, 1996.“The Thomas L. Gravell Watermark Archive” (with Ernest W. Sullivan, II). The First International Conference on the History, Function, and Study of Watermarks, Hotel Roanoke, October 10-13, 1996.
“The Thomas L. Gravell Watermark Archive on the Internet” (with Ernest W. Sullivan, II). Ninth International Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship, The Graduate School and University Center CUNY, New York, April 10-12, 1997.
“The Use of Caxton Texts and Paperstocks in MSS of the Canterbury Tales.” The 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI, May 8-11, 1997.
“Canterbury Tales MSS in Wales and the West.” Fifth Biennial Conference of the Early Book Society. Lampeter, Wales, July 9-15, 1997.
“The Thomas L. Gravell Watermark Archive: Updates and Future Prospects.” Modern Language Association Convention. San Francisco, December 27-30, 1998.
“Cannibalism, Dismemberment, and the Pursuit of Perfection: Bibliomania and the Bibligraphy of Caxton’s First Edition of the Canterbury Tales.” Sixth Biennial Conference of the Early Book Society. Glasgow, Scotland, July 8-12, 1999.
“Readers, Owners, and Users of 15th-Century Copies of the Canterbury Tales.” Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy. April 13-15, 2000. Austin, Texas.
“CATH: A Virtual Learning Community.” Learning (on Line) 2000 Conference, Roanoke, Virginia, September 28, 2000.
Mosser, Daniel W., Ernest Sullivan, II, and Len Hatfield. “The Thomas L. Gravell Watermark Archive in 2001: ‘Identify the Watermark, Hal.’” Seventh Biennial Conference of the Early Book Society. Cork, Ireland, July 14-16, 2001.
Mosser, Daniel W., Ernest Sullivan, II, and Len Hatfield. “The Theory and Practice of Creating ‘Center for Applied Technologies in the Humanities.’” Modern Language Association Convention. New Orleans, December 27-30, 2001.
“The Scribes Formerly Known as ‘Hooked-g.’” Eighth Biennial Conference of the Early Book Society. Durham, England, July 10-14, 2003.
“The Scribe(s) of British Library MSS Egerton 2864 and Additional 5140: To ‘Lump’ or ‘Split’? 13th International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, Glasgow, Scotland, July 15-19, 2004.
“The Digitization of Manuscript Descriptions: A Digital Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Pre-1500 Editions of the Canterbury Tales.” The 2nd Nowton Court Colloquium on the History of the Book and Digitisation, in Bury St. Edmunds, England, November 19-21, 2004.
“Adam Pinkhurst, Scriveyn, and the Early Textual Tradition of the Canterbury Tales.” Tenth York Manuscripts Conference, Making the Medieval Manuscript: Book Production in Britain 1375-1525. 15-18 July 2005.
“The ‘Beryn Scribe’ and Princeton MS 100 (the ‘Helmingham’ MS) of the Canterbury Tales.” 16th International Congress of the New Chaucer Society, Swansea, Wales, July 17-21, 2008.
“The iMEV: An Open-Access, Web-Based Edition of the Index of Middle English Verse: Prototype Demonstration.” 45th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 13-16, 2010.
“Paper Chaucer Manuscripts: What can the physical evidence tell us and why should that be important?” Seventeenth Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society, Siena, Italy, July 15-19, 2010.
“‘He seemeth elvyssh by his contenaunce’: Is There an Author in this Text?” 36th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association in Roanoke, VA, November 18-20, 2010.
“Exploring Chaucer through the DIMEV: a Digital Edition of The Index of Middle English Verse.” The Eighteenth Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society. Portland, Oregon, July 23-26, 2012.
Mosser, Daniel W. and Linne R. Mooney. “More Manuscripts by the Beryn Scribe.” Forty-Eighth International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI, May 11, 2013.
“A Guided Tour of the Digital Index of Middle English Verse.” Thirteenth Biennial Early Book Society Conference. St. Andrews, Scotland, July 7, 2013.
Mosser, Daniel W., Holly James-Maddocks, and Linne R. Mooney. “Identity and Difference: The Case of the ‘Hooked-g’ Scribe(s).” Nineteenth Biennial Congress of the New Chaucer Society. Reykjavík, Iceland. July 2014.
“The Manuscript and Textual Tradition of the Canterbury Tales: What Do We Know and How Do We Know It?” The Medieval/Renaissance Circle, VPI&SU, November 1986.
“The Cardigan Chaucer Manuscript at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center.” Invited talk, Faculty Seminar on British Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, April 1987.
“The Early Reception of the Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.” English Department Colloquium Series, October 31, 1988.
“The Early Reception of the Canterbury Tales.” Invited talk, Medievalists’ Roundtable, Keio University, Tokyo, March 14, 1990.
“Demonstration of the Hypertext Cook’s Tale and the Descriptive Catalog of the MSS of the Canterbury Tales—on CD-ROM” to the Centre for Humanities Computing (Oxford University Computing Services), July 8, 1993.
“Cannibalism, Dismemberment, and the Pursuit of Perfection: Bibliomania and the Bibliography of Caxton’s First Edition of the Canterbury Tales.” English Department Colloquy Series, November 4, 1998.
“The Charles-Moïse Briquet Watermark Archive in Geneva.” Looking at Paper Symposium. Toronto, Canada, May 13-16, 1999.
“The Thomas L. Gravell Watermark Archive and Database.” Colloquy, “Vers une nouvelle érudition: numérisation et recherche en histoire du livre.” Lyon, France, December 5-7, 1999. [With Len Hatfield and Ernest W. Sullivan, II]
“Caxton’s Canterbury Tales.” Keio University, Tokyo, October 29, 2002.
“Some Potential Uses for Digitization in Bibliographical and Codicological Work.” HUMI (Humanities Media Interface) Group, Keio University. October 29, 2002.
“‘Chaucer’s Scribe,” Adam, and the Hengwrt Project.” English Department Colloquium Series, March 20, 2006.
“What’s a Canterbury Tales Manuscript without the Canterbury Tales?” Leverhulme Lecture, the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, October 17, 2007.
“Paper Evidence and the Medieval Book.” November 8-9: Quadrivium PhD training seminar, University of Birmingham, UK, November 8-9, 2007.
“What’s a Canterbury Tales Manuscript without the Canterbury Tales?” Leverhulme Lecture, the Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing (Birmingham University, UK), November 13, 2007.
“The Research Rewards of Working with Paper and Watermark Evidence,” invited talk/workshop for faculty and graduate students in the Department of English, Birmingham University (UK), October 20, 2008.
“What’s a Canterbury Tales Manuscript without the Canterbury Tales?” Leverhulme Lecture, School of English and Scottish Language and Literature, Glasgow University (UK), October 23, 2008.
“Canterbury Tales Scribes and Brut Manuscripts,” Leverhulme Lecture, School of English, Queen’s University Belfast, October 30, 2008.
“The Research Possibilities of an Electronic Index of Middle English Verse,” Leverhulme Lecture. Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, December 3, 2008.
“Paper Evidence and the Medieval Book,” Manuscripts Research Group, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, December 9, 2008.
“Three Digital Projects.” English Department Colloquium Series, April 19, 2010.
“The iMEV: An Open-Access, Web-Based Edition of the Index of Middle English Verse: Prototype Demonstration.” Invited talk, Medieval Song Network, University of London, September 5-6, 2010 (partially funded).
“Textual Scholarship, Digital Humanities, and The Index of Middle English Verse”: sponsored by the Tulane English Department Pierce Butler Professorship Fund and the Tulane Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program (New Orleans), February 15, 2011.
“After Dinner at the Tabard Inn”: Emeritus Lecture, Virginia Tech, February 20, 2015.
1982 |
University Summer Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin |
1983-84 |
University Fellowship, University of Texas at Austin |
1985 |
Outstanding Dissertation Award (University of Texas, May Graduation) |
1985 |
New Chaucer Society Prize Essay (MLA Convention) |
1987 |
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend |
1987-89 |
College of Arts and Sciences, VPI&SU, Pilot Project Grant |
1988 |
National Endowment for the Humanities Travel to Collections Grant |
1989-90 |
College of Arts & Sciences Travel to Collections Grant |
1989-90 |
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for College Teachers & Independent Scholars |
1990 |
American Council of Learned Societies Grant for Travel to International Meetings Abroad |
1990 |
Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
1990-91 |
College of Arts & Sciences Travel to Collections Grant |
1991-92 |
College of Arts & Sciences Travel to Collections Grant |
1993 |
Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
1994 |
Spring Semester Research Assignment |
1994-1996 |
Pilot Project Grant (College of Arts & Sciences, VPI&SU) |
1994 |
American Council of Learned Societies Grant for Travel to International Meetings Abroad |
1994 |
Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
1995 |
Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
1995-6 |
Incentive Awards Program Grant to host "The First International Conference on the History, Function, and Study of Watermarks" at the Hotel Roanoke, October 1996 (Center for Textual & Editorial Studies [now CATH]) |
1997 |
Supplemental Grant (College of Arts & Sciences, VPI&SU) |
1997 |
Bibliographical Society of London Fellowship |
1998 |
Humanities Summer Stipend (College of Arts & Sciences, VPI&SU) |
1998-9 |
Everett Helm Visiting Fellowship (Lilly Library) |
1999 |
Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
2000 |
College of Arts & Sciences Millennium Grant (with Len Hatfield & Ernest Sullivan) |
2001 |
Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
2003 | Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
2005 | Humanities Summer Stipend (College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences, VPI&SU) |
2005 | College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences Faculty Research Grant (VPI&SU) |
2005 | Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
2007 | College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences Faculty Research Grant (VPI&SU) |
Fall 2007 & Fall 2008 | Leverhulme Visiting Professorship, Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York |
2008 | Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
2010 | Supplemental Grant (Virginia Tech Foundation, VPI&SU) |
2011 | College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences (CLAHS) Excellence in Research and Creative Scholarship Award (VPI&SU) |
2013 | International Travel Supplemental Grant (VPI&SU) |
2013 | National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend | 2014 | International Travel Supplemental Grant (VPI&SU) |
OTHER... |
musician, 1973-77